In a riveting legal saga that unfolded late into the night PTI lost its iconic Bat symbol for good as it seems, the Supreme Court of Pakistan dealt a significant blow to the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), upending the party’s hopes of retaining the iconic “bat” symbol for the imminent general elections. The high-stakes verdict, delivered by a three-member bench, including Chief Justice of Pakistan (CJP) and Justices Muhammad Ali Mazhar and Musarrat Hilali, has left the political landscape in suspense.

With the clock winding down to midnight, a two-day long marathon hearing interspersed the courtroom drama. The primary focus of the issue was the Election Commission of Pakistan’s (ECP) appeal against the Peshawar High Court’s (PHC) ruling to allow the PTI’s electoral symbol to be used again. In his statement, the CJP rejected accusations of bias against the party and emphasised the ECP’s ongoing demands that PTI hold intra-party elections.

Drawing parallels with a recent case involving the All Pakistan Muslim League, the court emphasized that the ECP’s actions were not exclusive to PTI, pointing out harsher orders against 13 other political parties. The ruling asserted that the ECP’s primary concern was to ensure PTI’s compliance with intra-party election regulations, not to victimize the party.

The saga began on December 22 when the ECP decided against allowing PTI to keep its electoral symbol, citing failure to hold intra-party polls as per the constitution and election laws. In a swift move, PTI sought refuge in the PHC, which temporarily reinstated the symbol until January 9. However, the PHC’s subsequent withdrawal of the stay on December 30 prompted PTI to escalate the matter to the highest court in the land.


In a startling turn of events, PTI Chairman Gohar Ali Khan’s residence became the scene of a targeted attack by masked intruders on Saturday. The incident unfolded while Khan was engaged in a Supreme Court hearing related to PTI’s electoral symbol, the “bat.” Khan reported to Chief Justice Qazi Faez Isa that his family members were assaulted, and valuable items, including a computer and documents, were seized during the break-in.

Seeking the court’s understanding, Khan temporarily excused himself from the hearing. Expressing concern, Chief Justice Isa instructed Additional Attorney General Chaudhry Amir Rehman to address the situation promptly. Following a brief absence, Khan returned to the court, describing the situation as “very serious.” Despite wanting to share more details, the Chief Justice directed the additional attorney general to take immediate action to resolve the matter.

The incident adds a distressing layer to the ongoing legal battle over PTI’s electoral symbol. In response to the situation, Islamabad Police confirmed that the District Police Officer (DPO) visited Khan’s residence on instructions from Islamabad Capital City Police Officer (ICCPO) Dr Akbar Nasir Khan. Preliminary information was obtained, and further action was assured once Khan concluded court proceedings. The authorities emphasized that the law would be upheld without exceptions, even if any police officer was found guilty in the incident.

This unforeseen development intensifies the already heightened atmosphere surrounding the legal proceedings and underscores the broader challenges faced by political figures in the pursuit of their electoral rights.




As the nation awaited the February 8 general elections, the Supreme Court’s ruling gained newfound urgency. Chief Justice Isa, recognizing the fundamental right to democracy, both nationally and within political parties, emphasized the pressing need for immediate attention to the unfolding legal battle.

PTI’s legal counsel, Hamid Khan, passionately challenged the Election Commission of Pakistan’s (ECP) authority to scrutinize intra-party elections, invoking Article 17 of the Constitution. Accusing the ECP of discrimination, Khan raised questions about the fairness of the electoral process.

In response, the court delved into the intricate details of PTI’s adherence to election schedules, transparency in intra-party elections, and the party’s handling of complaints. Justices posed critical questions, seeking clarity on PTI’s commitment to its own constitution.

The impending Supreme Court verdict, expected to resonate across the political landscape, holds the potential to reshape PTI’s role in the upcoming general elections. This unfolding narrative unfolds against the broader backdrop of ongoing debates on the election commissions’ pivotal role in upholding transparency and democratic principles within political parties.

As the courtroom drama hurtles towards its climax, the political narrative braces for a seismic shift. The imminent verdict is poised to cast a lingering shadow over PTI’s electoral journey, with stakes high and echoes from this midnight drama likely to reverberate far beyond the revered halls of the Supreme Court.

The political story is ready for a dramatic turn as the courtroom drama rips towards its conclusion. With the stakes high and the aftermath of this late-night drama likely to reverberate far beyond the hallowed halls of the Supreme Court, the impending verdict is set to cast a lasting shadow over PTI’s electoral journey.





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