On Monday, the per tola price of 24 karat gold witnessed a decline of Rs 1,200, settling at Rs 242,300 compared to its previous sale at Rs 243,500 on the last trading day. Similarly, the price of 10 grams of 24 karat gold also decreased by Rs 943 to Rs 207,733 from Rs 208,762. The prices of 10 grams of 22 karat gold followed suit, dropping to Rs 190,422 from Rs 191,365, as reported by the All Sindh Sarafa Jewellers Association.
Meanwhile, the prices of silver remained steady, with the per tola and ten gram prices holding at Rs 2,650 and Rs 2,271.94 respectively.
These fluctuations in the local gold market are in line with trends observed in the international market, where the price of gold experienced a $10 decrease, falling from $2,359 to $2,349, according to the Association.